EEFS 2009, (6 journals, 19 papers)
International Trade Journal (ITJ)
1) “The impact of Inward FDI Stock on GDP Growth in Central and Eastern Europe”, by L. Kornecki and V. Raghavan
2) “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Preferential Trade Liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe”, by J. Hagemejer and A. Cieślik
3) “Assessing the impact of Immigration on the EU-15 Trade”, by A. Piperakis
Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “The EMU Integration structure and The Spillover Dynamics Towards the IAS Harmonization”, by G. Karathanassis, V. Sogiakas and Spiliotis
2) “Export Competitiveness and Access to Trade Facilitating Services: An Empirical Analysis by Usha Nair-Reichert”, by J. Majumdar and R. Cebula
3) “FDI and Economic Growth: Granger Causality Tests in Panel Data Model-Comparative Results In The Case Of European Union countries EU (European Union countries) and ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)”, by A. Moudatsou and D. Kyrkilis
4) “Hedging Effectiveness in Energy Market During Turbulent Economic Periods”, by A.Samitas, I. Tsakalos and N. Eriotis
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Foreign Trade, Human Capital and Economic Growth: An Empirical Approach for the EU Countries”, by E. Soukiasis and M. Antunes
2) “Measuring the Trade Effects of the Euro in Central and Eastern Europe”, by J. J. Michalek , A. Cieślik and J. Mycielski
3) “Effects of Privatisation and FDI on Economic Growth in Argentina”, by R. I. Naguib
Operational Research Journal (ORIJ)
1) “Bond Pricing Under Imprecise Information”, by E. Agliardi and R. Agliardi
Review of Development Economics (RDE)
1) “Monetary Policy Rules for Transition Economies: An Empirical Analysis”, by T. Moore and S. Ghatak.
2) “General Equilibrium Impacts of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Welfare of Households in South Asia”, by K. Bhattarai
3) “The short-term determinants of capital flows for a small open economy: The case of Greece”, by A. P. Pappas
4) “External Openness and Economic Growth in Developing Countries”, by A. Cieślik and M. Tarsalewska
5) “Exchange Rates and Stock Prices in the MENA countries: What Role for Oil?”, by G. Chortareas
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Foreign Trade, Human Capital and Economic Growth: An Empirical Approach for the EU Countries”, by E. Soukiasis and M. Antunes
2) “Measuring the Trade Effects of the Euro in Central and Eastern Europe”, by J. J. Michalek , A. Cieślik and J. Mycielski
3) “Effects of Privatisation and FDI on Economic Growth in Argentina”, by R. I. Naguib
EEFS 2008, (3 journals, 13 papers)
International Journal of Economic Research (IJER)
1) “Multinational Firms and International Fragmentation of Production: The case of Poland”, by A. Cieślik
2) “What Drives (the decline of) Bank Interest Rate Margins in Central and Eastern Europe”, by M. Schwaiger and D. Liebeg
3) “Mergers and Acquisitions in Greek banking: The Role of Strategic Similarities in Achieving Post Merger Enhanced Performance”, by E. Thanou and N. Daskalakis
4) “Education and Firm Performance. Empirical Evidence from Greece”, by A. I. Magoutas, G. M. Agiomirgianakis and T. A. Papadogonas
The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Asymmetries in Heterogeneous Integrated Areas: Evidence from Intra-EU Sectoral Trade”, by H. Marques
2) “The Asian Miracle: Was It a Capital-Intensive Structural Change ?”, by Y. Menashe and J. Braude
3) “Regional Integration and Trade: A Panel Cointegration Approach to Estimating the Gravity Model”, by M. M Stack and E. J. Pentecost
4) “Causal Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates”. by T. Panagiotidis, P. Alagidede and Z. Xu
Review of Development Economics (RDE)
1) “Economic & Social Motivation Based Im/migration Modeling: The Case of Turkey” by Engin Sorhun
2) “Symmetric or Asymmetric Interest Rate Adjustments? Evidence from South Eastern Europe” by Yannis Panagopoulos and Stelios Karagiannis
3) “Origin of FDI and intra-industry domestic spillovers: the case of Greek and European FDI in Bulgaria” by Vassilis Monastiriotis and Rodrigo ALEGRIA
4) “Remittances of immigrants in Greece” by Anastasia Pseiridis and Theodore P. Lianos
5) “Market Power versus Efficiency in Latin American Banking” by Georgios Chortareas, Jesus Garza and Claudia Girardone
EEFS 2007, (3 journals, 12 papers)
Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “Corporate Yield Spread and Real Activity in Emerging Asia: Evidence of a Financial Accelerator for the Korea”, by S. Papadamou and C. Siriopoulos 2) “Financial market dynamics in an enlarged European Union”, by D. Kenourgios, A. Samitas and N. Paltalidis
2) “Uncovered Interest Parity: Are Empirical Rejections of it Valid?”, by K. Pilbeam and J. Olmo
3) “Real convergence in the new member states: myth or reality”, by A. Ingianni and V. Zdarek
4) “Assessing the impact of the EU-sponsored trade liberalization in the MENA countries”, by J. Hagemejer and A. Cieślik
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Trade and migration flows between some CEE countries and the UK”, by S. Ghatak, M. I. P. Silaghi and V. Daly
2) “Bilateral trade volumes, the gravity equation and factor proportions”, by A. Cieślik
3) “Trade Effects of the Europe Agreements: A Theory-Based Gravity Approach”, by J. Spies and H. Marques
4) “Convergence of Shocks and Trade Flows in the Enlarged European Union”, by A. Zervoyianni and A. Anastasiou
Journal of Policy Modelling (JPM)
1) “An empirical investigation of the relationship between the real economy and stock returns for the United States”, by J. Hunter, A. Gregoriou and F. Wu
2) “Progressive taxation and corporate liquidation: analysis and policy implications”, by E. Agliardi and R. Agliardi
3) “Foreign Aid and Economic Growth: New Evidence from a Panel Data Approach for Five South Asian Countries”, by D. Asteriou
EEFS 2006, (1 journal, 5 papers)
Review of International Economics (RIE)
1) “Pass-through of exchange rate and tariffs into import prices of India: Currency Depreciation Versus Import Liberalization”, by H. Marques and S. Mallick
2) “Current Account Imbalances and Real Exchange Rates in the Euro Area”, by M. G. Arghyrou and G. Chortareas
3) “Sovereign debt capacity and the distribution of domestic wealth: A common agency approach”, by D. Di Gioacchino , S. Ginebri and L. Sabani
4) “Patent Regimes, Host Country Policies and the Nature of MNE Activities”, by U. Nair-Reichert and R. Duncan
5) “The Credibility Problem Revisited: Thirty Years on from Kydland and Prescott”, by P. Levine, J. Pearlman and B. Yang
EEFS 2005 (3 journals, 12 papers)
1) “Education and Growth In The OECD: An Industry Level Analysis”, by M. C. Simoes
2) “Two Speed Regional Convergence in Portugal and the Importance of Structural Funds on Growth” by E. Soukiazis and M. Antunes
Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “Endogenous Optimum Currency Areas and the Blend of Sectors – On the Determinants of Business Cycle Correlation across European Regions”, by A. Belke
2) “Sustainability of EU fiscal policies: a panel test”, by P. Claeys
3) “The Euro and Stock Markets in Hungary, Poland and UK”, by T. Moore
4) “International Migration of Labor, Efficiency Wages, and Monetary Policies”, by A. Shimada
5) “The Uneven Integration of Polish Manufacturing Industries into the European Single Market”, by A. Wziątek-Kubiak
6) “Global FDI Convergence Patterns? Evidence from International Comparisons”, by D. Thomakos and C. Kottaridi
Journal of Policy Modelling (JPM)
1) “Social Costs of Consumer Impatience in a Catching-up Economy”, by P. Benczúr, A. Simon and V. Várpalotai
2) “Inequality and globalization in Europe”, by U. Thieben by J. E. Lee
3) “Aggregate Economy Risk and Company Failure: An Examination of UK Quoted Firms in the Early 1990s”, by J. Hunter and N. Isachenkova
4) “Money and Swedish inflation”, by A. Belke and T. Polleit
EEFS 2004 (4 journals, 1 collective volume, 39 papers)
The Journal of Policy Modeling (JPM)
1) “How the Maastricht Criteria and The Stability and Growth Pact Affected Real Convergence In The European Union. A Panel Data Analysis”, by E. Soukiazis and V. Castro
2) “Foreign Worker Participation in Labour Markets and the Economy’s Welfare”, by A. Shimada
3) “Institutional Uncertainty and European Social Union: Impacts on Job Creation and Destruction in the CEECs”, by B. Ansgar, M. Gocke and M. Hebler
4) “Entrepreneurship, small and medium size business markets and European economic integration”, by A. Samitas and D. Kainourgios
5) “The Relative Effectiveness Of Sterilised and Non Sterilised Foreign Exchange Market Intervention”, by K. Pilbeam
Applied Economics (AE)
1) “Pecking Order or Trade-off Hypothesis? Evidence on the Capital Structure of Chinese Companies.”, by G. Tong and C. Green.
2) “Banking Crises, Regulation, and Growth: The Case of Russia”, by U. Thiessen.
3) “The Skilled U-Shaped Europe: Is It Really And On Which Side Does It Stand?”, by H. Marques.
4) “Measuring the balance of intra-regional migration”, by T. Biswas and J. P. McHardy
The International Journal of Economics Research (IJER)
1) “Financial Liberalization and Policy simulation Experiments for India”, by T. Moore and C. J. Green
2) “Transnational Corporation Activities in the Context of Regional Economic Integration in the European Community, A Panel Data Analysis”, by A. Moudatsou
3) “Stability Impact of the Malaysian Capital Outflow Controls of 1998”, by J. Duasa
4) “Conditions of Economic Development in post-socialist countries – Theoretical and Practical Analysis”, by M. Bak
5) “Optimum Currency Area and the Enlargement of the Euro Zone to the East”, by N. Gilson
6) “The Comparative Analysis of State Aid inPoland, Hungary and the Czech Republic Prior to Accession”, by I. Hashi and E. Balcerowicz
The International Journal of Financial Services Management (IJFSM)
1) “An Alternative Circuitist View for South-Eastern Europe”, by N. Potts
2) “The Financial Performance of Large And Small Firms: Evidence From Greece”, by T. A. Papadogonas
3) “An Investigation of Riskiness in South and Eastern European Markets”, by L. Kalyvas, A. Sfetsos, A. Georgopoulos and C. Syriopoulos
4) “Macroeconomic Factors’ Influence on “New” European Countries Stock Returns: The Case of Four Transition Economies”, by A. Samitas and D. Kainourgios
5) “The Adoption Of IFRS In South Eastern Europe: The Case Of Greece”, by E. Georgakopoulou and C. Spathis
6) “Hedging with Futures, an Empirical Study of Hedging a Portfolio of Greek Government Bonds with Euro-German Bond Futures”, by P. Christodoulou and Z. Hambouri
7) “Internal Auditing: An Essential Tool For Adding Value And Improving The Financial Institutions’ & Organizations’ Operations”, by A. N. Michiotis and N. F. Konidaris
8) “A Review of Banking Institutions’ Transformation in Balkan Transition Economies: 1990-2000”, by J. Mylonakis
9) “Mission Statements Of Banks In South Eastern European Countries: Customers Vs Society?”, by A. Pseiridis, A. Kontolaimou and D. Psallidas
10) “The Efficiency of the Bulgarian Agricultural Commodity Markets during Transition”, by M. Paschali
11) “Environmental Accounting as a Tool of Qualitative Improvement of Banks’ Services: the Case of Greece”, by J. Nikolaou
12) “An Empirical Examination of Acquisitions in Greece”, by A. Tzortzaki
Collective volume entitled Aspects of Globalisation: Macroeconomic and Capital Market Linkages in the Integrated World Economy by C. Tsoukis, G. Agiomirgianakis and T. Biswas, with the following papers:
1) “International Migration in A Growing World Economy: A Simple Analytical Framework”, by T. Biswas
2) “Saving-Investment Cointegration Revisited: Implications for Capital Mobility, External Solvency and the Intertemporal Approach”, by A. Alyousha and C. Tsoukis
3) “Is the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Really a Puzzle?”, by D. Levy
4) “Twin Deficits, Real Interest Rates and International Capital Mobility”, by S. Fountas and C. Tsoukis
5) “The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Data Study for the OECD Countries” by G. Agiomirgianakis, D. Asteriou, and K. Papathoma
6) “European Integration and Foreign Direct Investment”, by L. H. Zhanu
7) “Transparency and the Strategic Use of Private Information in Monetary Policy: A Particular European Problem?”, by A. Hughes Hallet and N. Viegi
8) “Eurobond Market Integration”, by K. Drakos
9) “Contextualising Bank Failures: An International Comparison”, by M. Beck and C. Woolfson
10) “The Prospect of Dollarization: Are the Americas an Optimum Currency Area?”, by G. Karras
11) “The Genesis of the South-East Asian Crisis: The External Solvency of the Tiger Economies”, by C. Tsoukis and A. Alyousha
12) “Feedbacks between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates”, by G. Maria Caporale, N. Pittis, and N. Spagnolo
EEFS 2003 (3 journals, 13 papers)
International Review of Economics & Finance (IREF)
1) “Strategic Noise Traders and Liquidity Pressure with a Physically Deliverable Futures Contract”, by C. Capuano
2) “The Effects of Monetary Policy Changes on Market Interest Rates in Greece: an Event Study Approach”, by A. Kaketsis and N. Sarantis
3) “Regional consumption dynamics and risk sharing in Italy”, by G. Cavaliere, L. Fanelli and A. Gardini
4) “Fiscal, Monetary Policy and the Conditional Risk Premium in Short-term Interest Rate Differentials: An Application of Tobin’s Portfolio Theory”, by T.J. Flavin and M.G. Limosani
5) “An Inventory of Simple Monetary Policy Rules in a New Keynesian Macroeconomic Model”, by T. A. Lubik and M. Marzo
Review of Development Economics (RDE)
1) “What Determines Sectoral Trade in the Enlarged EU?”, by H. Marques and H. Metcalf
2) “An Analysis of Exports & Growth in India: Cointegration and Causality Evidence (1971-2001)”, by A. Sharma and T. Panagiotidis
3) “Exchange Rate Movements& Unemployment in the EU Accession Countries”, by A. Belke and R. Setzer
4) “Macroeconomic Stabilisation in the EMU : Rules Versus Institutions”, by L. Cavallari and D. di Gioacchino
5) “Uncertainty, Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel”, by D. Asteriou and S. Price
6) “Job Creation and Job Destruction in Greek Manufacturing”, by F. Voulgaris, T. Papadogonas and G. Agiomirgianakis South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE)
1) “Reducing the Inflow of Unskilled Foreign Workers”, by A. Shimada
2) “Modelling Returns on Stock Indices for Western and Central European Stock Exchanges - a Markov Switching Approach”, by J. Bialkowski
3) “Aspects of International Labour Mobility in Southern EU Countries”, by T. Biswas and J. McHardy
EEFS 2002 (2 Journals, 19 papers)
International Journal of Finance and Economics (IJFE)
1) “American Equity Mutual Funds In European Markets: Hot hands Phenomenon and Style Analysis”, by S.Papadamou and C. Siriopoulos
2) “Business-to-business electronic marketplaces: Joining a Public or Creating A Private”, by C. Milliou and E. Petrakis
3) “The stabilization Properties of Fixed and Floating Exchange Rate Regimes”, by K. Pilbeam
4) “Capital Mobility and Inflation Persistence: Theory and Evidence From Greece”, by C. Karfakis, D. Moschos and M. Sidiropoulos
5) “Analysing Changes In Market Integration Through A Cross-Sectional Test For The Law of One Price”, by K. Gluschenko
6) “Foreign university Graduates In The Greek Labour Market: Employment, salaries and Overeducation”, by T. Lianos, D. Asteriou and G. Agiomirgianakis
7) “The Sequential Issue In Free Trade Areas: Policy Implication for Korea”, by J. E. Lee
8) “Optimal Monetary Rules and Internationalized Production”, by L. Cavallari
9) “Political Support For Anti-Inflationary Monetary Policy”, by D. Di Gioacchino, S. Ginebri and L. Sabani
The Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “The Determinants of Small Firm Growth in the Greek Manufacturing Sector”, by G. Agiomirgianakis, F. Voulgaris and D. Asteriou
2) “Competitiveness and the External Trade Performance of Greece in the 1990's: A cross-sectoral investigation”, by M. Arghyrou
3) “Labour Market Reform and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in EMU”, by A. H. Hallett,
4) “The EU’s New Economic Geography after the Eastern Enlargement”, by H. Marques
5) “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the European Union”, by A. Moudatsou
6) “Macroeconomic Effects of Reallocation Shocks: A Generalised Impulse Response Function Analysis for Three European Countries”, by T. Panagiotidis
7) “Immigration, Trade Costs and Trade: Gravity Evidence for Greece”, by A. Piperakis
8) “The Maastricht Criteria and the Euro: Has the Convergence Continued?”, by W. Polasek
9) “FDI and the Process of European integration”, by A. Soci
10) “Capital Mobility & Poverty Traps in a Convex Model of Growth”, by C. Tsoukis
International Trade Journal (ITJ)
1) “The impact of Inward FDI Stock on GDP Growth in Central and Eastern Europe”, by L. Kornecki and V. Raghavan
2) “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Preferential Trade Liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe”, by J. Hagemejer and A. Cieślik
3) “Assessing the impact of Immigration on the EU-15 Trade”, by A. Piperakis
Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “The EMU Integration structure and The Spillover Dynamics Towards the IAS Harmonization”, by G. Karathanassis, V. Sogiakas and Spiliotis
2) “Export Competitiveness and Access to Trade Facilitating Services: An Empirical Analysis by Usha Nair-Reichert”, by J. Majumdar and R. Cebula
3) “FDI and Economic Growth: Granger Causality Tests in Panel Data Model-Comparative Results In The Case Of European Union countries EU (European Union countries) and ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)”, by A. Moudatsou and D. Kyrkilis
4) “Hedging Effectiveness in Energy Market During Turbulent Economic Periods”, by A.Samitas, I. Tsakalos and N. Eriotis
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Foreign Trade, Human Capital and Economic Growth: An Empirical Approach for the EU Countries”, by E. Soukiasis and M. Antunes
2) “Measuring the Trade Effects of the Euro in Central and Eastern Europe”, by J. J. Michalek , A. Cieślik and J. Mycielski
3) “Effects of Privatisation and FDI on Economic Growth in Argentina”, by R. I. Naguib
Operational Research Journal (ORIJ)
1) “Bond Pricing Under Imprecise Information”, by E. Agliardi and R. Agliardi
Review of Development Economics (RDE)
1) “Monetary Policy Rules for Transition Economies: An Empirical Analysis”, by T. Moore and S. Ghatak.
2) “General Equilibrium Impacts of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Welfare of Households in South Asia”, by K. Bhattarai
3) “The short-term determinants of capital flows for a small open economy: The case of Greece”, by A. P. Pappas
4) “External Openness and Economic Growth in Developing Countries”, by A. Cieślik and M. Tarsalewska
5) “Exchange Rates and Stock Prices in the MENA countries: What Role for Oil?”, by G. Chortareas
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Foreign Trade, Human Capital and Economic Growth: An Empirical Approach for the EU Countries”, by E. Soukiasis and M. Antunes
2) “Measuring the Trade Effects of the Euro in Central and Eastern Europe”, by J. J. Michalek , A. Cieślik and J. Mycielski
3) “Effects of Privatisation and FDI on Economic Growth in Argentina”, by R. I. Naguib
EEFS 2008, (3 journals, 13 papers)
International Journal of Economic Research (IJER)
1) “Multinational Firms and International Fragmentation of Production: The case of Poland”, by A. Cieślik
2) “What Drives (the decline of) Bank Interest Rate Margins in Central and Eastern Europe”, by M. Schwaiger and D. Liebeg
3) “Mergers and Acquisitions in Greek banking: The Role of Strategic Similarities in Achieving Post Merger Enhanced Performance”, by E. Thanou and N. Daskalakis
4) “Education and Firm Performance. Empirical Evidence from Greece”, by A. I. Magoutas, G. M. Agiomirgianakis and T. A. Papadogonas
The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Asymmetries in Heterogeneous Integrated Areas: Evidence from Intra-EU Sectoral Trade”, by H. Marques
2) “The Asian Miracle: Was It a Capital-Intensive Structural Change ?”, by Y. Menashe and J. Braude
3) “Regional Integration and Trade: A Panel Cointegration Approach to Estimating the Gravity Model”, by M. M Stack and E. J. Pentecost
4) “Causal Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates”. by T. Panagiotidis, P. Alagidede and Z. Xu
Review of Development Economics (RDE)
1) “Economic & Social Motivation Based Im/migration Modeling: The Case of Turkey” by Engin Sorhun
2) “Symmetric or Asymmetric Interest Rate Adjustments? Evidence from South Eastern Europe” by Yannis Panagopoulos and Stelios Karagiannis
3) “Origin of FDI and intra-industry domestic spillovers: the case of Greek and European FDI in Bulgaria” by Vassilis Monastiriotis and Rodrigo ALEGRIA
4) “Remittances of immigrants in Greece” by Anastasia Pseiridis and Theodore P. Lianos
5) “Market Power versus Efficiency in Latin American Banking” by Georgios Chortareas, Jesus Garza and Claudia Girardone
EEFS 2007, (3 journals, 12 papers)
Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “Corporate Yield Spread and Real Activity in Emerging Asia: Evidence of a Financial Accelerator for the Korea”, by S. Papadamou and C. Siriopoulos 2) “Financial market dynamics in an enlarged European Union”, by D. Kenourgios, A. Samitas and N. Paltalidis
2) “Uncovered Interest Parity: Are Empirical Rejections of it Valid?”, by K. Pilbeam and J. Olmo
3) “Real convergence in the new member states: myth or reality”, by A. Ingianni and V. Zdarek
4) “Assessing the impact of the EU-sponsored trade liberalization in the MENA countries”, by J. Hagemejer and A. Cieślik
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED)
1) “Trade and migration flows between some CEE countries and the UK”, by S. Ghatak, M. I. P. Silaghi and V. Daly
2) “Bilateral trade volumes, the gravity equation and factor proportions”, by A. Cieślik
3) “Trade Effects of the Europe Agreements: A Theory-Based Gravity Approach”, by J. Spies and H. Marques
4) “Convergence of Shocks and Trade Flows in the Enlarged European Union”, by A. Zervoyianni and A. Anastasiou
Journal of Policy Modelling (JPM)
1) “An empirical investigation of the relationship between the real economy and stock returns for the United States”, by J. Hunter, A. Gregoriou and F. Wu
2) “Progressive taxation and corporate liquidation: analysis and policy implications”, by E. Agliardi and R. Agliardi
3) “Foreign Aid and Economic Growth: New Evidence from a Panel Data Approach for Five South Asian Countries”, by D. Asteriou
EEFS 2006, (1 journal, 5 papers)
Review of International Economics (RIE)
1) “Pass-through of exchange rate and tariffs into import prices of India: Currency Depreciation Versus Import Liberalization”, by H. Marques and S. Mallick
2) “Current Account Imbalances and Real Exchange Rates in the Euro Area”, by M. G. Arghyrou and G. Chortareas
3) “Sovereign debt capacity and the distribution of domestic wealth: A common agency approach”, by D. Di Gioacchino , S. Ginebri and L. Sabani
4) “Patent Regimes, Host Country Policies and the Nature of MNE Activities”, by U. Nair-Reichert and R. Duncan
5) “The Credibility Problem Revisited: Thirty Years on from Kydland and Prescott”, by P. Levine, J. Pearlman and B. Yang
EEFS 2005 (3 journals, 12 papers)
1) “Education and Growth In The OECD: An Industry Level Analysis”, by M. C. Simoes
2) “Two Speed Regional Convergence in Portugal and the Importance of Structural Funds on Growth” by E. Soukiazis and M. Antunes
Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “Endogenous Optimum Currency Areas and the Blend of Sectors – On the Determinants of Business Cycle Correlation across European Regions”, by A. Belke
2) “Sustainability of EU fiscal policies: a panel test”, by P. Claeys
3) “The Euro and Stock Markets in Hungary, Poland and UK”, by T. Moore
4) “International Migration of Labor, Efficiency Wages, and Monetary Policies”, by A. Shimada
5) “The Uneven Integration of Polish Manufacturing Industries into the European Single Market”, by A. Wziątek-Kubiak
6) “Global FDI Convergence Patterns? Evidence from International Comparisons”, by D. Thomakos and C. Kottaridi
Journal of Policy Modelling (JPM)
1) “Social Costs of Consumer Impatience in a Catching-up Economy”, by P. Benczúr, A. Simon and V. Várpalotai
2) “Inequality and globalization in Europe”, by U. Thieben by J. E. Lee
3) “Aggregate Economy Risk and Company Failure: An Examination of UK Quoted Firms in the Early 1990s”, by J. Hunter and N. Isachenkova
4) “Money and Swedish inflation”, by A. Belke and T. Polleit
EEFS 2004 (4 journals, 1 collective volume, 39 papers)
The Journal of Policy Modeling (JPM)
1) “How the Maastricht Criteria and The Stability and Growth Pact Affected Real Convergence In The European Union. A Panel Data Analysis”, by E. Soukiazis and V. Castro
2) “Foreign Worker Participation in Labour Markets and the Economy’s Welfare”, by A. Shimada
3) “Institutional Uncertainty and European Social Union: Impacts on Job Creation and Destruction in the CEECs”, by B. Ansgar, M. Gocke and M. Hebler
4) “Entrepreneurship, small and medium size business markets and European economic integration”, by A. Samitas and D. Kainourgios
5) “The Relative Effectiveness Of Sterilised and Non Sterilised Foreign Exchange Market Intervention”, by K. Pilbeam
Applied Economics (AE)
1) “Pecking Order or Trade-off Hypothesis? Evidence on the Capital Structure of Chinese Companies.”, by G. Tong and C. Green.
2) “Banking Crises, Regulation, and Growth: The Case of Russia”, by U. Thiessen.
3) “The Skilled U-Shaped Europe: Is It Really And On Which Side Does It Stand?”, by H. Marques.
4) “Measuring the balance of intra-regional migration”, by T. Biswas and J. P. McHardy
The International Journal of Economics Research (IJER)
1) “Financial Liberalization and Policy simulation Experiments for India”, by T. Moore and C. J. Green
2) “Transnational Corporation Activities in the Context of Regional Economic Integration in the European Community, A Panel Data Analysis”, by A. Moudatsou
3) “Stability Impact of the Malaysian Capital Outflow Controls of 1998”, by J. Duasa
4) “Conditions of Economic Development in post-socialist countries – Theoretical and Practical Analysis”, by M. Bak
5) “Optimum Currency Area and the Enlargement of the Euro Zone to the East”, by N. Gilson
6) “The Comparative Analysis of State Aid inPoland, Hungary and the Czech Republic Prior to Accession”, by I. Hashi and E. Balcerowicz
The International Journal of Financial Services Management (IJFSM)
1) “An Alternative Circuitist View for South-Eastern Europe”, by N. Potts
2) “The Financial Performance of Large And Small Firms: Evidence From Greece”, by T. A. Papadogonas
3) “An Investigation of Riskiness in South and Eastern European Markets”, by L. Kalyvas, A. Sfetsos, A. Georgopoulos and C. Syriopoulos
4) “Macroeconomic Factors’ Influence on “New” European Countries Stock Returns: The Case of Four Transition Economies”, by A. Samitas and D. Kainourgios
5) “The Adoption Of IFRS In South Eastern Europe: The Case Of Greece”, by E. Georgakopoulou and C. Spathis
6) “Hedging with Futures, an Empirical Study of Hedging a Portfolio of Greek Government Bonds with Euro-German Bond Futures”, by P. Christodoulou and Z. Hambouri
7) “Internal Auditing: An Essential Tool For Adding Value And Improving The Financial Institutions’ & Organizations’ Operations”, by A. N. Michiotis and N. F. Konidaris
8) “A Review of Banking Institutions’ Transformation in Balkan Transition Economies: 1990-2000”, by J. Mylonakis
9) “Mission Statements Of Banks In South Eastern European Countries: Customers Vs Society?”, by A. Pseiridis, A. Kontolaimou and D. Psallidas
10) “The Efficiency of the Bulgarian Agricultural Commodity Markets during Transition”, by M. Paschali
11) “Environmental Accounting as a Tool of Qualitative Improvement of Banks’ Services: the Case of Greece”, by J. Nikolaou
12) “An Empirical Examination of Acquisitions in Greece”, by A. Tzortzaki
Collective volume entitled Aspects of Globalisation: Macroeconomic and Capital Market Linkages in the Integrated World Economy by C. Tsoukis, G. Agiomirgianakis and T. Biswas, with the following papers:
1) “International Migration in A Growing World Economy: A Simple Analytical Framework”, by T. Biswas
2) “Saving-Investment Cointegration Revisited: Implications for Capital Mobility, External Solvency and the Intertemporal Approach”, by A. Alyousha and C. Tsoukis
3) “Is the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Really a Puzzle?”, by D. Levy
4) “Twin Deficits, Real Interest Rates and International Capital Mobility”, by S. Fountas and C. Tsoukis
5) “The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Data Study for the OECD Countries” by G. Agiomirgianakis, D. Asteriou, and K. Papathoma
6) “European Integration and Foreign Direct Investment”, by L. H. Zhanu
7) “Transparency and the Strategic Use of Private Information in Monetary Policy: A Particular European Problem?”, by A. Hughes Hallet and N. Viegi
8) “Eurobond Market Integration”, by K. Drakos
9) “Contextualising Bank Failures: An International Comparison”, by M. Beck and C. Woolfson
10) “The Prospect of Dollarization: Are the Americas an Optimum Currency Area?”, by G. Karras
11) “The Genesis of the South-East Asian Crisis: The External Solvency of the Tiger Economies”, by C. Tsoukis and A. Alyousha
12) “Feedbacks between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates”, by G. Maria Caporale, N. Pittis, and N. Spagnolo
EEFS 2003 (3 journals, 13 papers)
International Review of Economics & Finance (IREF)
1) “Strategic Noise Traders and Liquidity Pressure with a Physically Deliverable Futures Contract”, by C. Capuano
2) “The Effects of Monetary Policy Changes on Market Interest Rates in Greece: an Event Study Approach”, by A. Kaketsis and N. Sarantis
3) “Regional consumption dynamics and risk sharing in Italy”, by G. Cavaliere, L. Fanelli and A. Gardini
4) “Fiscal, Monetary Policy and the Conditional Risk Premium in Short-term Interest Rate Differentials: An Application of Tobin’s Portfolio Theory”, by T.J. Flavin and M.G. Limosani
5) “An Inventory of Simple Monetary Policy Rules in a New Keynesian Macroeconomic Model”, by T. A. Lubik and M. Marzo
Review of Development Economics (RDE)
1) “What Determines Sectoral Trade in the Enlarged EU?”, by H. Marques and H. Metcalf
2) “An Analysis of Exports & Growth in India: Cointegration and Causality Evidence (1971-2001)”, by A. Sharma and T. Panagiotidis
3) “Exchange Rate Movements& Unemployment in the EU Accession Countries”, by A. Belke and R. Setzer
4) “Macroeconomic Stabilisation in the EMU : Rules Versus Institutions”, by L. Cavallari and D. di Gioacchino
5) “Uncertainty, Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel”, by D. Asteriou and S. Price
6) “Job Creation and Job Destruction in Greek Manufacturing”, by F. Voulgaris, T. Papadogonas and G. Agiomirgianakis South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE)
1) “Reducing the Inflow of Unskilled Foreign Workers”, by A. Shimada
2) “Modelling Returns on Stock Indices for Western and Central European Stock Exchanges - a Markov Switching Approach”, by J. Bialkowski
3) “Aspects of International Labour Mobility in Southern EU Countries”, by T. Biswas and J. McHardy
EEFS 2002 (2 Journals, 19 papers)
International Journal of Finance and Economics (IJFE)
1) “American Equity Mutual Funds In European Markets: Hot hands Phenomenon and Style Analysis”, by S.Papadamou and C. Siriopoulos
2) “Business-to-business electronic marketplaces: Joining a Public or Creating A Private”, by C. Milliou and E. Petrakis
3) “The stabilization Properties of Fixed and Floating Exchange Rate Regimes”, by K. Pilbeam
4) “Capital Mobility and Inflation Persistence: Theory and Evidence From Greece”, by C. Karfakis, D. Moschos and M. Sidiropoulos
5) “Analysing Changes In Market Integration Through A Cross-Sectional Test For The Law of One Price”, by K. Gluschenko
6) “Foreign university Graduates In The Greek Labour Market: Employment, salaries and Overeducation”, by T. Lianos, D. Asteriou and G. Agiomirgianakis
7) “The Sequential Issue In Free Trade Areas: Policy Implication for Korea”, by J. E. Lee
8) “Optimal Monetary Rules and Internationalized Production”, by L. Cavallari
9) “Political Support For Anti-Inflationary Monetary Policy”, by D. Di Gioacchino, S. Ginebri and L. Sabani
The Journal of Economic Integration (JEI)
1) “The Determinants of Small Firm Growth in the Greek Manufacturing Sector”, by G. Agiomirgianakis, F. Voulgaris and D. Asteriou
2) “Competitiveness and the External Trade Performance of Greece in the 1990's: A cross-sectoral investigation”, by M. Arghyrou
3) “Labour Market Reform and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in EMU”, by A. H. Hallett,
4) “The EU’s New Economic Geography after the Eastern Enlargement”, by H. Marques
5) “Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the European Union”, by A. Moudatsou
6) “Macroeconomic Effects of Reallocation Shocks: A Generalised Impulse Response Function Analysis for Three European Countries”, by T. Panagiotidis
7) “Immigration, Trade Costs and Trade: Gravity Evidence for Greece”, by A. Piperakis
8) “The Maastricht Criteria and the Euro: Has the Convergence Continued?”, by W. Polasek
9) “FDI and the Process of European integration”, by A. Soci
10) “Capital Mobility & Poverty Traps in a Convex Model of Growth”, by C. Tsoukis