The European Economics and Finance Society Recommends the following places as a basis for research
REsearch Papers in EConomics
Great site for downloading latest academic research published as working papers by author and subject
The National Bureau for Economic Research publishes a huge amount of research on economics in the form of working papers that later appear in top economics journals
Resources for Economists lists more than 2000 resources in various sub sections available on the internet of interest to academic and practicing economists
Social Science Research Network under economics has thousands of working papers on all areas of economics. Ranked Number one open access repository.
Econlit indexes more than 40 years of economics literature from around the world. It is a comprehensive list of journal articles, books, book reviews, collective volumes and dissertations
Links to economics departments, economics data sources, software, statistics and economic analysis
Deutsche Bank's research hub. Very good for market oriented research on banking, financial markets, macro trends and emerging markets. The interactive maps give key data on most economies.
Economic Journal Watch. A site that monitors the latest publications in economics and publishes a journal that comments on some of the articles.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics. Provides topical research and policy papers on issues confronting the world economy.
Provides many links of interest to econometricians including conferences, textbooks, software, working papers, code, ranking statistics and much more.
The Economic Policy Institute conducts a wide range of research into a wide range of areas such a fiscal, education, public investment, regulation.Focuses on issues relevant for low to middle pay americans.
A superb directory of economics, business and finance related sites with the latest economics and finance news feeds.
REsearch Papers in EConomics
Great site for downloading latest academic research published as working papers by author and subject
The National Bureau for Economic Research publishes a huge amount of research on economics in the form of working papers that later appear in top economics journals
Resources for Economists lists more than 2000 resources in various sub sections available on the internet of interest to academic and practicing economists
Social Science Research Network under economics has thousands of working papers on all areas of economics. Ranked Number one open access repository.
Econlit indexes more than 40 years of economics literature from around the world. It is a comprehensive list of journal articles, books, book reviews, collective volumes and dissertations
Links to economics departments, economics data sources, software, statistics and economic analysis
Deutsche Bank's research hub. Very good for market oriented research on banking, financial markets, macro trends and emerging markets. The interactive maps give key data on most economies.
Economic Journal Watch. A site that monitors the latest publications in economics and publishes a journal that comments on some of the articles.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics. Provides topical research and policy papers on issues confronting the world economy.
Provides many links of interest to econometricians including conferences, textbooks, software, working papers, code, ranking statistics and much more.
The Economic Policy Institute conducts a wide range of research into a wide range of areas such a fiscal, education, public investment, regulation.Focuses on issues relevant for low to middle pay americans.
A superb directory of economics, business and finance related sites with the latest economics and finance news feeds.