The organisers for the 12th - 15th June 2014 EEFS Conference to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece
Please contact Prof. Theodore Panagiotidis or Dr. Joscha Beckmann in the first instance for any enquiries regarding the conference arrangements.
Prof. Theodore Panagiotidis
Department of Economics
University of Macedonia
Thessaloniki 54006
e-mail [email protected]
Dr. Joscha Beckmann
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Faculty of Economics
Chair for Macroeconomics
Universitätsstraße 12
45117 Essen
e-mail: [email protected]
Please contact Prof. Theodore Panagiotidis or Dr. Joscha Beckmann in the first instance for any enquiries regarding the conference arrangements.
Prof. Theodore Panagiotidis
Department of Economics
University of Macedonia
Thessaloniki 54006
e-mail [email protected]
Dr. Joscha Beckmann
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Faculty of Economics
Chair for Macroeconomics
Universitätsstraße 12
45117 Essen
e-mail: [email protected]